Skin Disorders
Contact dermatitis, eczema, lichen, tinea, urticaria, acne etc. are common skin disorders that are characterized by lesions on the surface of the skin, with the appearance of redness, scaling, exudates etc. Despite of the differences in the appearance of the lesions, there is more and more data to support the fact that most skin disorders have a common thing. They are associated with poor dietary habits and negative psychology, other than the systemic and the infectious causes.
Therapeutic Approach
The role of the practitioner in these circumstances can be complementary and in a few cases alternative. The patient needs specialist medical care if there is an underlying infectious disease or skin cancer, whereas all skin disorders must be evaluated primarily by a dermatologist. If there is a diagnosis and no need of hospitalization, the patient can follow the complementary/alternative treatment route. Medical history taking, systemic (blood tests) and physical evaluation (orthopeadic, neurological tests etc.) of the patient are necessary before applying any therapy. These consist mainly of clinical nutrition and herbal medicine, as well as exercises for reducing stress, if needed.